Video Pro Skin builder – HTML5 Video Demo & Example page

Video player skin generator pro plugin for WordPress built on the Video.js HTML5 video player library. Now updated for Videojs 5.0+ with a more beautifull skins and a skin generator. Allows you to embed video in your post or page using HTML5 with Flash fallback support for non-HTML5 browsers. Flash fallback for browser compatibility. Video player for WordPress, built on the widely used Video.js HTML5 video player embed MP4, M4V, OGG, Youtube, WebM, FLV Flash videos in your post or page using HTML5. HTML5 video pro will automatically find all Youtube url, iframe or embed and will add your own video skin you created with the help of the Video skin generator.

Ajax Navigation for WordPress – zajax

I needed a ajax navigation for my website I tryed other ajax navigation plugins but none of theme did what i needed or was incomplet. Some are slow, some do …